Want to get more people onto your website and spending money? Do this.

You’ve probably heard this before.

You might even have dabbled in it yourself without realising it’s full potential.

Does it really work? Is it really worth your time?

These are the questions you will ask yourself when you see ‘yet another’ marketing post telling you you need it.

What is this mysterious method for getting people onto your website and spending money — you ask?

I’m almost too frightened to type the word now. I’ve built up too much suspense, and the last thing I want to do is let you down. You’ve probably heard it a million times— the secret elixir to getting more website visitors sitting right under your nose.

What is it?

It’s blogging — a bit of an anti-climax I know, but hopefully, I got your attention.

And maybe in a clever, roundabout way, showed you that blog posts don’t have to be stuffy, boring business newsletters talking about how your company has taken on two new cleaners this week.

Nope. No one cares about that. People care about how you can help them solve a problem. And if you can do that in an entertaining way, they’re more likely to buy from you.

So what’s the point in this post?

I want to show you, how, and why, blogging is still the number one method for getting people onto your website and spending money. Because it is. And the beauty of writing blog posts is that you can share them across your social media and draw people onto your website where they will find their way to click ‘call/buy/contact now’.

You see, I don’t just talk the talk, I walk the walk too. Showing you how something is done is always going to work better than just telling you. Right?

Anyway back to blogging.

Getting a shiny new website with high-quality sales copy on it is a giant leap up from the website you had before. But have you thought about how you’re going to get more people onto your website to read it? Maybe not.

If you haven’t, I’ll tell you. It’s through sharing interesting and engaging content, consistently across social media and Google (for SEO purposes).

Not an easy task for a small to medium-sized business like you.

Content takes time to write — and it takes ideas. You probably don’t have either of those if you're a busy business owner. So, if I know what works, but I also know it’s hard for you to actually follow through, how am I helping?

Realistically, how many times will you post before you give up? I can’t leave you to struggle with a blog.

So, *drumroll please* that's why I’ve launched a monthly content marketing package. Or in other words, a monthly blog post package. But not just any old blog posts —which is why I’m calling it a content marketing package.

All of my blog posts are driven by strategy, just like this one.

There’s a clear purpose to each post. I don’t just pick a random topic and post about it. No. There’s a purpose to everything I write.

I know my audience. I know what they want. I know what they need. I’m giving value. And I’m giving a compelling call-to-action —a reason to click a link at the bottom of this page.

And I can do the same for you.

Help you give your audience value.

I’m also going to take away your blog post writing headache, and replace it with targeted posts that bring people onto your site where they will buy from you. Posts delivered to you every month so all you need to do is upload them to your site.

This package is perfect for anyone who has a blog on their website but never gets around to sharing a post. It’s also perfect for any company who shares blog posts in a half-hearted way and can't really see the point — you need a strategy!

Book a call now with me Hannah, to find out how my monthly blog package will get more people onto your website and spending money. It’s just a call, what have you got to lose.

But one last thing. If you doubt the quality of the sales copy on your website, the last thing you should do is waste your time driving more visitors there. Instead, use the same link above to book a call, and find out how I can help you with that first!

I would never recommend sending people to a poor quality website, sort that out and come back to me for a monthly blogging package when you have somewhere decent to send people. Agree?